lyhyisesti suomeksi: olen genderfluid ihminen, etsin kontakteja ja tuttavia sosiaaliseen siirtymiseen ja hyvään seuraan
hei, I'm looking to expand my contacts and acquaintances, to spend time together in activities once in while
I'm 50+ AMAB person exploring further into my trans- / genderfluid being. I look for in-person common activities in Espoo or capital area, or mere online communication if you live on long distance. It could be going for event, or browsing museum, or hanging out in nice place (library, cafe, etc) or walking along Espoon rantaraitti or keskuspuisto, or strolling in Helsinki downtown, or random mix of these.
My nearest goal to get to know people who need similar common activities and don't mind that while I look as 50+ man, I'm in woman/girl mode in my mind and you communicate rather with feminine person. It's part of my social transition, and need it more than I thought before.
I can be for you listener or storyteller, discuss anything human topic, be your source of 2nd opinion, or just chit chat talk. I prefer coffee, smooth / contemporary jazz, DIY topics, walking/biking/hiking. I don't drink at all and don't smoke. But these are starting points, feel free to ask or discuss anything else.
I check mail now and then, so it might take unknown time for my reply, please be patient.
Cheers, A T